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Composite Bonding

Is a procedure where a thin layer of tooth-colored composite is molded on your teeth in order to get a better appearance. It is a non-expensive procedure that only takes one visit to the doctor. It can be used for decayed teeth, fractured, chipped, discolored, diastemas and more.

Composite bonding is a common dental procedure, that involves the placement of a composite material on a certain tooth and bonding it to the surface, usually for a better cosmetic effect. While some people decide to get veneers or crowns, other stick to composite. Bonding actually means connecting with the use of special dental materials. A composite is a tooth-colored dental material used for fillings and esthetic restoration.


Since it’s mostly used for cosmetic purposes, the composite bonding is made to look teeth appear either longer, larger, wider, straighter, whiter or more. Different patients require a different treatment. Some are struggling with spacing between the teeth, others with very short teeth. Composite bonding can be the solution to these problems. Discolored teeth, chipped, broken, are other conditions that can be treated with this procedure.


The procedure completely involves composite. The first thing the dentist has to do is find a proper color that perfectly fits your teeth. In some cases, they even use several colors to achieve the final effect. Once they do, they start applying the composite to the surfaces of the teeth and mold it until they get the shape that you’ve requested. In some cases, the dentist might need to remove a very small portion of the enamel from the surface. With that, you will get a more natural look of the final restoration. Once the composite is in place, they use a light. The final step is polishing to get a high shine. This is the direct technique of doing composite bonding. The indirect technique involves preparing the teeth, taking an impression and sending it to the dental lab. The technicians get a mold based on the impression and create the restoration on the mold from the composite. They send it back to the dentist, who bonds it straight to the surface of the teeth.


Composite bonding is a much more affordable procedure compared to dental veneers, crowns or bridges. That is why a lot of patients decide to do it. Another thing is that if you have a quality dentist, the esthetic can be just as good as with these restorations. In most cases, the bonding can be done in only one visit, so there is no need for waiting. You get the final product in just an hour. Veneers and crowns require several visits. It doesn’t include the loss of dental substances, which is not the case with the other restorations. There is no pain involved, but if there is a chance of discomfort the dentist will offer you an anesthesia.


There are cases when the esthetics is not as good as the one provided by veneers and crowns. Patients have to be aware of this fact. Another thing is that the composite is not as strong as porcelain, so patients have to be careful not to apply too much pressure to the frontal teeth. Stains can occur after a certain time.