Working hours

9-6 PM Monday to Saturday

Tooth & Go – Dental Services

We are offering all kinds of dental treatments such as tooth restoration or placing a colored filling (Composite) inside the tooth cavity and space closure especially for the upper front teeth.

We also do bleaching of the discolored teeth. We provide crowns, bridge-works and full denture works, complete or removable.

Our dental clinic in Manila offers a wide range of dental treatments suited to everyone’s need. We always strive to offer the highest standards that we think our patients deserve. Because we want the best for our patient, we are constantly updating our equipment and materials to provide quality dental services.

Our main objective is to help you solve your dental problems. We provide periapical x-rays, panoramic x-rays and 3D scans to help locate where the problem is.


After the mouth exams are performed and model casts are made, we will study your case and will provide the best treatment plan.

Oral prophylaxis is given 2-3 times a year, to prevent patient from developing any gum and periodontal diseases. Restorative treatments consist in placing a tooth colored filling (Composite) inside the tooth cavity that previously had carious lesion. The decay is removed to prevent further destruction of the tooth.

For aesthetic purposes, we also offer Tooth WhiteningDiastema Closure   (closure of the space between the two upper front teeth), Veneers and Crowns, in case patients are not satisfied with the way their teeth look.

Sometimes if the carious lesion has already reached the pulp, we do Endodontic treatments to preserve the tooth, which consists in removing the infected pulp and placing medications inside the canal. We also do Extraction for teeth that can’t be saved and Odontectomy for removal of 3rd molars/wisdom teeth.

We offer our patients the possibility to choose from a number of Prosthodontic treatments for the replacement of missing teeth. We offer Implants, Crowns/Bridges and Removable dentures depending on the patient’s preferences and budget.

We provide veneers to offer our patients the smile they have always wanted. Veneers are small porcelain laminates glued with resin type cement. This kind of procedure can be performed chair-side (Cerec) or lab-side.

We also provide Orthodontic treatment for changing tooth position. Minor tooth movement for children under 13 years old is usually performed to prevent mild crowding, which can be corrected by simply applying a modified retainer. Extraction and removal of the wisdom teeth are also performed in our office. Our staff also specialized in root canal therapies, periodontal therapies and other modern dental procedures.