Canine teeth are among the strongest teeth in the mouth. That is another reason why they are called dog teeth. They have the longest roots, that can withhold a lot of pressure. The main function of these teeth is to grasp and tear the food. Another very important function is their role of pronouncing letters and forming words. These teeth serve as guidelines for several movements of the jaw. There are two sets of canine teeth in the life. The first set is primary canines that are supposed to appear after the lateral incisors. The age might vary for different kids, but the first canine usually appears at around 15-16 months. By the second year, kids should have all the four canines. If the eruption is late, you should definitely visit a pediatric dentist. In most cases, there shouldn’t be a problem, but regular checkups are very important. The eruption of permanent dog teeth starts between the ages of eleven and twelve.
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