Cracked tooth syndrome

Is a syndrome that usually affects the molars and includes a crack in the tooth that is of different dimensions, sometimes very small and hard to notice, while others it can affect the dental pulp. It is a part of the dental traumatology, and its main sign is sharp pain. The pain is heightened when the person puts pressure on the tooth, for example when he bites or chews. The patient can also feel more intense pain when he applies hot or cold. The causes of a cracked tooth symptom can vary from a person that grinds their teeth, a person with a very strong bite force, a tooth that has undergone root treatment, large tooth fillings and more. The treatment depends on the severity of the crack. In some cases, it can be treated with a filling, others require a dental crown, and the most severe ones- extraction. If it is not treated it can affect the dental pulp.



The causes are usually some type of trauma to the teeth. It can be done by a very strong force such as a mechanical force, a fall or a hit with a hard object. People who suffer from bruxism, grind and clench their teeth can also suffer from this syndrome. Some teeth had to be restored with large fillings. Now they are vulnerable and they can crack in time because of a strong bite force. There are patients that have a very strong bite force and can crack their own teeth. Non-vital teeth are much weaker compared to vital ones. So they can all suffer from this syndrome.


The first symptom is always a very sharp pain. Sometimes it can be spontaneous, while some patients experience it once they bite on the tooth. The masticatory pressure makes it even worse. Also, the pain is induced by cold and hot beverages and food. In some cases, the patient can’t exactly point out to the tooth that causes the symptoms. But there are also patients that can specifically locate the tooth. It all depends on the crack, the localization, and the size. Other symptoms include a pain that becomes even sharper after the patient stops chewing on the tooth or each time they apply any type of pressure.

The first thing you have to do if you experience these symptoms is to call your dentist. They will be able to properly diagnose the condition and suggest treatment. This syndrome can be hard to diagnose. X-rays usually don’t show any cracks. That is why dentists use other additional techniques such as light and pressure tests to discover the right reason behind the pain. The treatment depends on whether the crack has affected the dental pulp or not. If not, dentists will try to repair the tooth with a dental filling. Another type of treatment includes a crown, that will protect the tooth from further damage. If the pulp is affected the dentist will have to perform a root canal. When all of the above is not successful, the last treatment option is extraction.