Cosmetic dentistry is a thing of the future. Everyone wants to have a white, pearly smile, with perfectly aligned teeth. If you are not really much into orthodontics and braces, cosmetic dentistry might be the right solution for you. But not all dentists provide all types of restorations and solutions.

That is why a lot of patients tend to schedule consults at several different dental offices. We are talking about procedures that can turn out to be very costly, so you definitely want to be careful of who does them. Since you will be paying the money, it is a good idea to ask questions until you are 100% certain with your decision.

Bleaching, veneers, crowns, inlay, onlay, dental bonding are just a part of the cosmetic procedures you can opt for to improve the appearance of your smile.

We all need some extra help from professionals, especially when it comes to huge decisions such as this one. There are patients who need a complete restoration of their smile, so that means they will be spending a whole fortune on cosmetic dentistry. Even if it’s only whitening, there are certain things you should know before you decide to bleach your teeth. Always ask everything you want to know more about, even the tiny details. Check out the questions below and let your dentist know if you have any other concerns.

Explore Your Options

It doesn’t matter if you are already at the dental office, or at home. Either way, there are so many dental procedures available at the moment, that even individuals who are not medically educated can learn more just from the internet. The best way to start is to check out the websites of several different dental offices that you are considering to visit. In most cases, they already have the procedures that they offer explained on the website. This doesn’t mean that you’ll completely understand every single moment that will happen, but you’ll get a general idea of what you would like to get done. Cosmetic dentistry offers a number of different solutions, some are very simple and basic, while others require a more complicated approach. If you know the options beforehand, it will be easier for you to understand what the dentist can do for your smile. You will also know from the start if you can afford those procedures. Almost all dentists have the prices available once you visit the website.

Don’t stop until you feel like you’ve found the right dentist for you. After you’ve done your research online, start scheduling appointments and consultations. Once you’re there, you can ask all the questions that you find appropriate. You will notice that not all dentists offer the same range of cosmetic procedure. During the consult, different doctors will offer different types of approach, plus let you know the final price of the treatment. You will find it very easy to choose the right clinic for you at the end. Most patients notice which dentists are completely involved in the process of improving your smile and which ones do it only for the money. Not all practitioners are equally skilled in doing every single procedure.

Ask For Pictures

Even if you saw Before And After pictures on their website, feel free to ask the dentist for more. While you are looking at them, you will learn more about the procedures that were done for every single patient. Some of the cases might be even very similar to what you expect to get at the end.

There might even be a dental office where you won’t like the After pictures at all. It is a good idea to know what the professionals who work there are capable of.

What Are Their Qualifications

Not all dental professionals are equally trained and educated. After finishing dental college, there are dentists who decide to specialize in a certain field. Also, a lot of them participate in special courses that offer advanced training in many different fields. One of those is cosmetic dentistry. If the dentist that you are visiting has gone through several of those courses, you might feel more comfortable that your smile is in the right hands. But, of course, that is not always the case. There are so many skilled dentists out there who simply have the eye and hands for creating the perfect cosmetic restorations. Also, the dental technician plays a very important role in this type of dentistry. In some cases young dentists are more familiar with the new techniques, in other, the older ones offer extensive experience. There is no right or wrong way. During your consultation, you’ll be able to draw the right conclusion on what works best for you.

There is one thing that you  have to ask. Every single dentist has to be licensed at the state where they practice. They have to pass the exam and get accredited as a dental professional. Without this license, no one is allowed to work at a dental office.

What Materials They Use

If you are all about details, you definitely want to ask this question. On the market, there are many brands that deliver dental materials. Just like with everything else, the most expensive ones are usually also the high-quality ones.

The dentist will be able to explain to you which materials and techniques they use for several different

cosmetic procedures. If you write everything down or remember, when you get home you can Google them and read more about other people’s experiences with those materials. Also since there is a range of methods, you will learn more about how exactly does the procedure take place.

Ask Which Procedure They Suggest

You will see that most of the dentists that you visit will offer you similar solutions. They might use different methods to get the final result, but the main procedure will be similar. Once the dentist lets you know their suggestion, they will also tell you how much everything will cost.

Pros And Cons

This is a thing we all want to know. Each cosmetic procedure has a good and a bad side. There will always be a better and a worse one. All you have to do is ask about the pros and cons of the procedures you are considering getting. The dentists that you consult are professionals and will be able to give you precise answers. Some of the details that you’ll get might change your mind or help you make a decision.

How Long Will The Procedure Last

Different dentists have a different approach to performing a procedure. If you want to know how long will the procedure last, you should most definitely ask. The dentist will give you a detailed explanation about how many visits it will require, and the estimated time for every visit. Also, you can ask whether there will be any pain. Another great thing to know is the longevity of the cosmetic restoration. For example, teeth whitening as a temporary solution for whiter teeth. Veneers are not a permanent one, but definitely a long-term. For each one, the dentist might be able to give you a guarantee of how long you will have the restoration in your mouth.

How Long Will The Procedure Last

Different dentists have a different approach to performing a procedure. If you want to know how long will the procedure last, you should most definitely ask. The dentist will give you a detailed explanation about how many visits it will require, and the estimated time for every visit. Also, you can ask whether there will be any pain. Another great thing to know is the longevity of the cosmetic restoration. For example, teeth whitening as a temporary solution for whiter teeth. Veneers are not a permanent one, but definitely a long-term. For each one, the dentist might be able to give you a guarantee of how long you will have the restoration in your mouth.

Ask For A Preview

If this is an option, you shouldn’t be shy and ask for a preview. There are special programs that create a before and after picture from your potential transformation. It is one of the best ways to decide exactly what you want.

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This is, of course, not possible for teeth whitening, but it’s an option for several other cosmetic restorations.

How Long Will The Results Last

It is also very important to know will the final result last. In other words, the length might affect your final decision. If you find out that you’ll have to spend thousands of dollars on a procedure that will only provide you with white teeth for less than a year, you might end up not doing it. If it’s a good investment that lasts for a long time, you will definitely consider spending the money and time on it.

Are There Any Side Effects

There are several dental cosmetic procedures that require reshaping the form of your teeth and removing a part of the dental substances. This is definitely not a simple thing to do since there is no turning back. Every single patient should be aware of the fact that crowns, bridges, veneers and even whitening can have certain side effects. When you are doing the consult with dentists, always ask which are the side effects and how common they are. The complications are very rare, but you can experience hypersensitivity and many more symptoms.